Griffin’s Big Boy Room Mood Board

August 22, 2019

The day has finally come. My baby has become a big boy! How can he really be 3 already? He’s growing up so fast, and growing right out of his room too. We finally decided to make the shift over to a big boy room for Griffin. While I was a little sad, (to say the least) picking out all the items, and figuring out what will best suit him for years to come, was SO fun!

Griffin’s Big Boy Room Mood Board

Source List

• Gray Paint (“Gray Frost by Olympia) // Beige Paint (“Alpaca” by Sherwin Williams)
Wall Sconce
Alarm Clock
“Bro.” Print
Labrador Sheets
Striped Comforter
Plaid Blanket
Macrame Sky Chair
Piggy Banks
Rhino Wall Mount
Labrador Plush Animal

Stay tuned for IRL photos as I start to transform the space!! In the meantime, read more about Griffin’s nursery here.

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