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    A Day in The Life of Laura 2019

    May 9, 2019

    So often I’m asked, “what do you do?” That’s such a tricky question for me, mostly because no two days are ever the same! I tend to dabble in a lot of things. But, I like being busy. It’s just how I’ve always been. My hope for this post is to help you better understand me, and my life. Now lets get started!

    Day in the Life of Laura

    Rise & Shine

    7:15am: My alarm goes off. Oddly enough, I’ve never been a “snoozer.” The minute the alarm goes off, I’m up shutting it off. I then lay in bed for about 10 minutes scrolling through my phone and checking my emails. I like doing this because it sets up my day. If there’s something I need to get to, I can add it to my to-do list while my mind is fresh. I know researchers say it’s not good to lay in bed with your phone butttt it’s just what I do. 😉

    7:30am: Griffin starts yelling, “mommm! dadddd! mommmmy! dadddyyy!” He’s never sure which one he’s gonna get. Most of them time it is me. (For those of you that aren’t familiar, my husband, Garin, is typically traveling for work 3 weeks out of the month, so I live the single mom life most weeks!) Lucky for us he never comes out of his room before we get him, unless we yell for him to “come!” Although now thinking about it, it sounds like a dog command-haha!

    7:35am: I usually try to cuddle Griffin in his bed, but that barely flies these days. He’s more concerned about his food. So we change him, get him dressed, do his hair and make our way downstairs.

    7:40am: I give him a snack because he eats breakfast at daycare, but he’s usually starving when he wakes up. Typically he eats a Kind Breakfast Bar or some yogurt. I then get to making my breakfast. This usually consists of protein pancakes or avocado egg toast and coffee. (Read more about my daily food diary and recipes here) Then, we watch some cartoons and I wait far too long to get dressed, knowing I’m always late-sigh.

    8:15am: Griffin and I make our way out the door, feeding the dog and letting him out behind us. I drop him off at daycare…late as usual. My Crossfit class starts at 8:30am-oops.

    8:35am: I walk into Crossfit and hurry to get my shoes on. The coaches know I’m always late and anticipate my arrival by waiting for me to start class. They now call it the 8:35 class-haha! The class usually gets done around 9:30, then I typically chat with my besties…fighting the urge to get myself going again after such a rough workout!

    10-11am: Head home, shower and get ready for the day. Check out my daily makeup routine here for a easy, fresh face! I’ll also do some blog work in between if I have extra time (i.e., take photos or do a try-on session for you all!)

    Time For My Day Job

    Click photo for home office details

    11:30am: I arrive to work and go through my day’s duties, or chat with my fellow work mates. I am a freelance graphic designer, so I work for myself. For the last year and a half, however, I have been working with OC Creative in DeKalb (no commute-hooray!) on a need-be basis. They always offer lots of work for me, so it’s been such a blessing. I come in when I want, and leave when I want. It’s essentially getting me out of the house, which is exactly what I needed after Griffin was born. I tried working from home, and sometimes do, but I’m not nearly as productive…imagine that! 😉 So, I can work on their stuff, or my own stuff, and can even have my own clients in for meeting using their conference room.

    12-2pm: Design + meetings usually. Along with some blog posting and Stella & Dot reach-outs too!


    2-2:15pm: I usually do a working lunch, unless I need to take a phone call then I will make that a part of it. My lunch is mostly the same thing every day…grilled chicken, steamed broccoli and a sweet potato.

    2:15-4:15pm: More work + projects.

    Heading Home

    4:30pm: Head out to get Griffin from daycare. This is one of my favorite parts of the days because he always seems so happy to see me! He comes running to the stairs and goes straight in to give me a hug. I hope he always feels this way about me!!!

    4:45-5:30pm: We go home and either play outside, or cuddle on the couch to watch a show. This winter, we did a lot of cuddling-it was so dang cold! Otherwise, we play cars, cars and more cars…he’s obsessed!

    Dinner & Bedtime Routine

    Click photo for Pizza Spaghetti Pie recipe

    5:30pm: I start making dinner. It all depends on the day, and if Garin is home. If he is, I’ll make a real meal, and we typically sit down to eat at 6:30. Otherwise, I make some chicken or ground turkey for myself (see more healthy recipes here) and Griffin has his own thing (i.e. peanut butter and jelly or chicken nuggets.)

    6:30pm: We get Griffin changed into his pjs, give him his milk and have him settle down for the night. We usually go upstairs around 6:45 to brush his teeth, read a book and say our prayers.

    7:00pm: Griffin goes to bed. He loves to be rocked for a few minutes then he makes his way into his bed. We will be switching to a full size bed this summer for him…I’m dreading the transition, but will be so happy for him to be a big boy!

    More Work Time

    7:15pm: Unless I need to take photos for the blog, or do a try-on session, I will usually get my pajamas on around this time too. I will do my nightly ritual of washing my face and applying my nighttime creams and serums. This is usually when I make the switch from my contacts to my glasses. It feels so good to give my eyes a rest after a long day.

    7:30-8:15pm: If I have any additional work to do that did not get done during the day, this is the time I do it. Lauren and I will usually chat around this time to discuss blog things. I also will work my Stella & Dot business at night. Whether it is having a coaching call with one of my team members, making reach outs to my customers or posting to my VIP page! It’s the best time to get a hold of people because most are sitting on their phones relaxing too! Check out my journey with Stella & Dot here.

    8:15-9:15pm: This is Garin’s and my time. We will typically watch a show together, catch up in bed, or listen to a podcast together. It’s such a valuable part of the day-I hate when we aren’t able to do it. If he’s not home, I will usually watch my shows and hop on social media to do some creeping. LOL, let’s be honest, we’re all doing it!

    Good Night

    Click photo for master bedroom details

    9:30pm: I head to bed! I lay down, set my alarm for the morning, sign into workout class for the next day and I’m out. Ready to do it all over again tomorrow!


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