We all know this Mother’s Day is going to feel different. The global pandemic has turned our lives upside down, and we are basically just surviving hour by hour. But one day, this will be a distant memory and our little babies will be all grown up attending school, reading about what we’re living at this exact moment right now. We’ll remind them of who our heroes were (and still are), how we used to shake hands as a sign of respect, and we’ll probably even tell them stories about how we drank too much wine and then attempted to do a TikTok dance video.
My hope for every mom this Mother’s Day is that we all take a minute to take a deep breathe and try to enjoy this extra time with our kiddos. Eventually, we’ll all be back to work, going full speed ahead, and we’ll find ourselves wishing for “that one time” we had permission to go slow and enjoy unlimited time with our family.
If you’re a mom-to-be or wondering if you’re ready for parenthood, be sure to check out our tips here.
What It Means to Be a Mom to Laura

This not so glamorous, but very real photo pretty much sums up what life is like as a mom at this very moment in time. I can’t tell you what it will be like with 2 kids quite yet, (seeing as how we haven’t all left the house together since mid-March) but I can tell you all about the feelings I have thus far.
Griffin changed my world drastically. My life was turned upside down when he came along. Truth be told, I felt my independence had been stolen from me, and I’d never get it back. Little did I know, that kid would change me. And changed he has. Griffin has encouraged me (yes, your littles do teach you things…they are smarter than you think) to laugh when things get crazy, and love on one another even when you’re not happy with them. He changed me so much that when Hazel came along, I relished in all the things I wished away with him. I take the time to love on her, and I worry less about the stuff that “needs” to get done. I look forward to getting up with her in the night, just to see her sweet face.
The best part about being a mom though, is seeing them together. It makes me light up inside. Thats all I ever wanted for them. They’ll now forever have each other, and that means more to me than anything.

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Love you all!